About Martha

Martha Swiss is a garden writer and designer based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. She was a regular contributor to Pennsylvania Gardener Magazine until it closed in 2019, and her articles have also appeared in The American Gardener, Nursery Management, GROW (the magazine of the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society), Fine Gardening, Pittsburgh Magazine, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, and publications of the Pittsburgh Botanic Garden. She has also been a guest blogger for Plant Addicts.

Martha SwissA graduate of Chatham University’s landscape design program and a master gardener, Martha helps clients envision landscapes for their properties that are useful and easy to care for, while at the same time providing beauty and support for pollinators, birds, and other wildlife.

Martha teaches classes on a range of topics and is especially interested in trees and shrubs, native plants, edible gardening, pruning, and garden design. She tends a one-acre garden that has been photographed for Organic Gardening, The Cottage Journal, Hobby Farms Magazine, and Pennsylvania Gardener Magazine.