About PSJ

Looking for a little joy in your life? Plant some—it’s easy!

Just start with a pot of something, anything: an orchid someone gave you (and you’re trying not to kill); a fragrant herb in your kitchen; a pot of lettuce you can snip and eat; a houseplant; a cool succulent on your desk.

Any plant will add a whole lot of joy to your life, a whole new dimension.

Here at Plant Some Joy, you’ll learn how to do lots of cool things with plants, step by step. I’ll provide simple, straight-forward instructions and helpful pictures. You can ask me questions too. I’ll cover lots of topics—how to grow and use vegetables, herbs, and fruits. Houseplants. Trees, shrubs, and how to enhance your outdoor landscape. I’ll keep you posted on new plants and gardening trends too.

Follow me on social media or sign up for my blog so you don’t miss a single post!